I discussed recently with a friend about his relationship problems. He said: "The last time we argued, I'm not sure I made the right decision."
The right decision
My answer was a question: "How do you there was a right decision?"
Before his surprise face, I explained: "Whatever your decision, it will have advantages and disadvantages. It depends on the context and goals
Some answers you get closer to your goals more than others, but that's all you can say.
Have you lost motivation because you have not taken THE perfect decision that does not exist?"
And to illustrate my point, I will share with you a story. This is a very old Chinese story that reminds us that nothing is all white or all black and you can can never know what will happen
This is the story of an old farmer who was very poor, and whose only possession was a horse, a beautiful animal that fanned the envy of its neighbors. A high dignitary who was passing by, saw the horse and wished to acquire it, for a very good price. But despite its modest conditions of life, he refused to sell it. A neighbor came to him and said, "Oh, you've very lucky to have such a beautiful horse! A horse that is so expensive!" The old farmer replied simply," We'll see ... "
One day, the horse jumped over the fence and ran away. The neighbor who had witnessed the scene said hypocritically, "Oh, my poor friend, your horse was your only wealth and ran away, that's so sad! ". The old man replied simply, "We'll see ..."A few days later, the horse returns, bringing with him many beautiful wild horses, all very elegant. The neighbors were aghast. They came to see the miracle and said to him "What you're lucky! You had only possession a horse, and there you are with a dozen of them! ". The old man merely repeated: "We'll see ..."
Unable to take all the horses, the old man called his son. A stormy day, an angry horse hit the son in the hip and seriously injured him. A neighbor came to see it to falsely complain, "Oh, my poor friend, you had only one son and now today he's hurt, and he can never walk again normally. How I pity you! ". The old man answered him again, "We'll see ..."
Then the war broke out. The army came to the village, and by order of the Emperor, all able-bodied young and vigorous men were conscripted. Neighbors could only watch their son go to war, knowing that certain death awaited them. They told the old man he was lucky, and he replied: "We'll see ..."